Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dealing with it

Its been 8 years since I was pain free. I was in a hit and run accident 8 years ago and have never been the same. You hear people all the time talk about being in pain like back pain, or arthritis, but when your young its just really hard to understand. A week after I was in the accident I started to feel a strain in my neck and i just dealt with it because I thought it would just go away. I grew up not going to the doctor unless your bleeding so since there was no blood coming from my neck I just thought I would suck it up and get over it. Well its 8 FUCKIN years later, and its just gotten worse. Some days I just cant do anything. The pain isnt just my neck, I have nerve damage that affects my whole left side of my body from my eye, ear, neck, shoulder,elbow, wrist, fingers, hip, knee, ankle, toes, but its only on my left side. it burns, tingles. Sometimes I get chills like someone put ice on my left side of my brain and my eye, its so painful and theres nothing i can do about it. Sometimes I can almost feel the nerves in my neck and I just want to stab it with a Knife and cut it out, and move it around like when you have an itch that needs to be scratched. I think about the guy that hit me and think about how it would be nice if someone just beat the living crap out of him, If i had a bat I make him feel like I feel and make sure that at the end of the beating he will never be the same again. Yes this sounds so fuckin mean, but I want him to understand what he did to be. I am not the same person i was before, I cant go out late and just have fun, I have to take at least 5 advils at a time and honestly it doesnt really work. I've tried every drug there is and have had doctors give me every pain killer, muscle relaxer there is but again I have nerve damage and really I am just fucked because there isnt much that can be done. If there is treatment out there that can help me, well, I would still be screwed because I have no insurance.